Creativity – TRIZ Systematic Innovation

Tap onto the expertise of the world’s best brains through a system of innovation that enables you to use their methods of solving your problems and dealing with opportunities. Everyday demands call for responsiveness and conflicts with development resources. We help you to maximize your impact and gain rewards for meeting new challenges.

The use of tools and techniques to accelerate creativity are integral to the work of bd3T, to help small and medium sized businesses to manage the creation of new products, processes and services…. things that lead the development of next generation products.

TRIZ (Systematic Method of Inventive Problem Solving)

Opportunities arise when techniques that have been proven globally are employed. Such opportunities arise with the use of TRIZ, a systematic method of inventiveness for problem solving. TRIZ has been developed to show predictable trends of product, process and service evolution which can be exploited as a tool to predict where product development trends will lead to greater sophistication. These trends have been applied to New Product Development (NPD) and business management techniques.  To discover more about predictable product development and creativity tools view the systematic innovation website

How can bd3T help me use TRIZ?

Contact bd3T for methods in which TRIZ could help your company through the creativity process. To contact bd3T, click here.

There is a creativity concept employing TRIZ for product development that is guided by the principle that everything necessary to satisfy the needs of the world’s population will one day be available for free, perfect and now. Currently, some of these things are available in nature, like the energy to grow crops and the mineral resources to power machines, albeit the latter in the raw form of coal and crude oil. The increasingly sophisticated way, in which man’s demands arise suggest that there is some commercial capital to be made, in the steps and stages towards achieving an ideal final result.